Monday, March 12, 2012

Tips on organizing your closet

Tips on organizing your closet.
Spring is here and it is the perfect time to change out the heavy winter clothes, bring in the fun colorful spring clothes and organize your closet.  

I LOVE changing out my seasonal clothes because it gives me time to bring back pieces I loved and purge items that are not worn as much or are looking tired.

Below are 5 simple tips on organizing your closeting and keeping it fun!

Tip 1- Keep the space fun like a boutique!
You want to enjoy your closet so make the space fun to be in and organize your closet so you can see it all.
        • Add a fun right accent paint color in your closet to keep it fun and fresh.
        • Add in fun art.  I have pictures of shoes in my closet
        • Change your light fixture to a fun fixture like you see in stores.
        • Use old furniture to store your clothes.  Like a bookcase or hang wall shelves and place your sweaters, bags or shoes on them.
        • Go to your favorite store write down what displays you really love and figure out how to create that at home.  I bet you can make it work!
        • Organize your accessories so you can see them all.
          • I hang all of my belts and scarves on an IKEA towel holder.  I love it since I can see them all and it adds a fun pop of color.

Tip 2 - Color code your clothes
    • Organize your clothes by type (tops and bottom) and then color code them.
    • As you can see, I have all of my tops color coded on the top of my closet.  
Color coding your clothes allows you to see where your holes are.  For an example, I tend to have a lot of orange tops right now and by doing this I can see I have a few but my blue section is small.  

I also pick clothes by color so it makes decisions faster.

Color code your pants and skirts too.  It really helps you know what you need and spend your money wiser.  

I also organize my shoes by color but I will not show you all a picture since I have lots of shoes!

Tip 3 - Always refresh/organize your closet every Spring and Fall
  •  When you are moving the other season clothes out, make a note if you wore it a lot or not.  If not Toss it!
  • Don't keep things in your closet if you have not worn them in over a year.  They are holding up space for something else you might love.

Tip 4- Have a place to play our your weekly outfits
I love to sleep so every Sunday I plan my outfits for the week.  This allows me to sleep in a little, rotate my clothes and make sure I am wearing variety every day.

  • Add in wall hooks or something you can hang out the week's outfits in advance so you can be better prepared each week.
  • Have a full length mirror in the space so you can see what the outfits look like before heading out the door.

Tip 5 - Invest in quality not quantity
In my 20's I would buy lots of clothes that was cheaper and did not last me awhile and were very trendy.  Now I am in my 30's I am working on buying quality pieces that will last me years and not go out of style.

I will post in the future about some of my stable items in my closet.

I sure hope you all have fun the next few week making your closets a fun place to be in, organized, fresh and current.

Don't forget to post questions or comments on what you like or don't like on the blog.


1 comment:

  1. closets toronto Design a closet, get closet ideas, and build closets for bedroom, pantry, or garage to feed inspiration and improve home organization.
